Freesync vs Gsync for new monitor

16 May 2011
Hi guys I'm looking to purchase a new ultrawide in the next few days most likely the PG34Q but I'm wondering if they are worth the extra for the Gsync module vs say the LG 34UC98-W
As you can see form my specs I'm running two AMD280X cards which obviously don't support Gsync but don't support Freesync either :rolleyes: So I'm looking at this as an investment. I will be upgrading my cards next year likely to Nvida cards as I really miss not having driver issues...

But... is Gsync here to stay? Seen as they do essentially the same thing is freesync/DP adaptive sync going to win out and Nvidia begin to support that on their cards making the extra on the PG34Q a waste? Would Gsync monitors support Freesync with firmware updates?
Thanks :D
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