Freeview issues

17 Dec 2003
Hi all.

Probably a simple answer but I'm having issues with free view in the new house. I've purchased a new distribution amp and aerial ready to install but for some reason my upstairs TV is still receiving a good signal, even though I've removed the old aerial.

I ran a new install and it scanned over 100 channels. How is this possible?
ARe you in an area with pretty decent signal?

I had similar when I moved into my first flat, plugged a lead into the back of the TV but completely forgot to plug it into the splitter in the lounge. Tv worked absolutely fine, great picture and everything.

I only realised about a month later when I was moving stuff about near where the splitter was and noticed the end of the lead just laying there unplugged! :)

I just assumed the signal in the area was good enough that the length of coax cable acted as an aerial effectively enough to pick up the signal, not dissimilar to the old metal loop aerials you used to find on top off 'portable' tvs.
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