Freezing PC

2 Nov 2004
Milton Keynes
My housemates PC keeps freezing, I though it would be heat so cleaned all the dust out and re greased the cpu. It still does it and at the time of freeze nothing is hot. Then I thought it may be a I left it on the windows logon screen, it still does it. Any ideas?
Its a complete lockup, the mouse does not move - same as I get on my laptop due to heat.
Nothing has been changed before this started happening, so I guess some hardware is on the way out. Our pcs are different in every way so I cant do any swap tests.
Its a she who has had the computer sat there working for a year or so and now it freezes, so everything is stock / standard settings etc.

Ashcrapper, made me laugh reading it back :)
It looks as if it was the OS, even when not logged in. Linux Live is very cool! I didnt know you could run an OS from a cd like that, anyway it ran for ages...booted back into windows and it froze in seconds. Thankyou :)
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