French Hangover Cure

7 Nov 2003
This stuff "supposedly stops hangovers and makes alcohol disappear from the blood system up to six times faster than usual."

In one test carried out during PPN's research, she said, a man who drank a whisky followed by a whole bottle of wine and a liqueur gave a reading of 187mg before taking Security Feel Better, but 80mg only 40 minutes later.

Linksville McLink

The sooner they get this over here, the better. Even if it is French. Only joking Frenchys!
Its probably some kind of enzyme booster to speed up the metabolisation of alcohol.

I'd be more worried about those quantities of by products being generated at such a rate, and the body's ability to cope with them.

When you have a long chain of reactions, such as alcohol -> metabolites -> excretion, its not a good idea to arbitrarily speed up one part of it....
Are you all enjoying your dinner? Good, because I've got this to say.

You know how your doo-dah really honks after a heavy night on the toon? Well I bet this stuff makes it ten times worse.
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