Fresh iPhone - Questions regarding unlock

7 Nov 2005

I've just got home with my nice new shiney iPhone and have a few questions regarding ZiPhone.

1. Should I leave the SIM card you get with it in before connecting it to my computer or insert the O2 SIM card I'll be using from my current phone?
2. Should I update (if possible without activation) my iPhone before unlocking it?

The big iPhone sticky says I should hold the button and connect it but itunes still asks me to activate before I can update it.
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Ok, I've activated and jailbroken it using ZiPhone 2.5 "Don't Unlock" option as I have a contract O2 SIM.

I've replaced the SIMs but it says no service or one bar in the top left. I've tried resetting the network settings and Reset All Settings but had no luck.

Anyone have any suggestions?
Yeap. I installed 1.1.4 before going through the process.

Should I put the O2 SIM I got with the iPhone back in, use refurbish in ZiPhone and try the "Don't Unlock" process again?
Second attempt failed. To be clear, I don't need to be in recovery mode when ZiPhone activates and jailbreaks it do I? The jailbreak goes through fine but there's still no bars or no service.
'Don't unlock': Use this option if you want to jailbreak and activate your iPhone, but not unlock to any network.

Ninja edit :D

I'm restoring now and will try do-it-all. I'll let you know if it works :)

Thanks for the help!
4/5 bars O2. I think it worked :)

I'll confirm in the morning when I have uploaded my contacts, rang people, setup my unlimited data bolt-on and used edge.

Thanks again!
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