Fresh Win10 installation on a new SSD eller.... ?? - Have some questions

27 May 2007
Front of the monitor
Hey all,

Have had a few small problems lately on my main PC, pages taking ages to load, an example would be The High-Res Screenshot thread, pictures loading takes ages, looks almost like on the dial up time, and similar things. Have always been more or less instant until a week or so ago, my spare PC does it instantly still. I think it might be because on my main Win10 was installed over my previous Win7 install, when I did the 'upgrade' in November 2019, my spare PC is a fresh Win10 install.

I have a new SSD that I was planning on using in a new build later this year that I was thinking of using but then I thought maybe I don't need to, so here I am asking you experts. Can I make a 'fresh' install on my present M2 drive, or is it that a 'fresh' install = full nuke of drive ?? Would really love if I don't have to install all new programs again. :o

If the nuke option or new SSD is the only options, is there a 'quick' way to have the programs reinstalled or just bite the bullet and reinstalling them one by one by one.......... *few hours later* ??

Also, I have Steam, GOG, uPlay installed on different drives, if having to do the nuke option, would it be enough to just start either programs after the Win10 installation and they should work as usual ?

Think that's about it. If anyone has any other suggestions/advice, please feel free to voice them, I be all ear !

Thank you for any and all suggestions ! :D
Have always been more or less instant until a week or so ago, my spare PC does it instantly still. I think it might be because on my main Win10 was installed over my previous Win7 install,

That seems unlikely. What's changed since a week or so ago? Is your drive full? Has a patch or Windows update been applied?
That seems unlikely. What's changed since a week or so ago? Is your drive full? Has a patch or Windows update been applied?

Thanks for the replay Quartz !

Drive has 282GB free of 465GB. No changes or windows updates since it started happening. It also affecting Twitch as the stream sometimes hangs while working fine for other viewers since chat still working for me.

When I did the 'upgrade' last year to Win10, at first there was a couple files that was missing which I had to download manual and add, and although it all been working more or less fine since then there been some similar hickups since then. Was using another motherboard a couple months ago, which suddenly had the internet port malfunction (shop didn't say exactly what was the fault but I got a new board, which I be selling to a friend when upgrading later this year). Reason I mention that is the behaviour is similar but not as bad as then. Whops, rambling on a bit there but yeah, the above is why I thought maybe it is because the win7 to win10 update might be the reason.

First I actually thought it might been due to more people is working from home due to the virus, but my ISP said they can not see anything that would indicate that from their side. And as mentioned, my spare is running just fine without any slow loading or frame drops form Twitch when I tried it yesterday. And incase it makes any difference, I have a wired connection and not wireless.

PS: Another thing that sometimes happens. Yesterday I download a 55MB PDF file, it took around 10 min. :eek: The files after, around same or a bit more, was downloaded in seconds. And it was from the same website.
Which malware protection software do you use?

The free version of Malwarebytes, and since you mentioned it I just did a scan with it and nothing found. Also did a virus check (ESET Smart Security) and nothing there either.

Since you asked about updates/malware etc, I thought I check the BIOS version (in case that might be related). According to Windows System Information it is version/date = F23f / 2018-05-01 (Gigabyte AX370 Gaming 5 board). The newest BIOS on Gigabyte's website is from 2019/11/27, version F50a.
Slow loading can be DNS issues, but unlikely unless the two PCs have different upstream servers. As Quartz said, I'd be looking at MABAM here. It was always dog slow on the real time protection. Uninstall it completely and reboot, then try again. Just disabling it won't actually stop it slowing you down. If the slow load times stay the same, feel free to reinstall; but the build-in Defender is all you need and is much lighter.
Alright, I try and uninstall ESET later and see how it goes.

BTW @Rainmaker what does MABAM stand for ?? :o

Sorry. MalwareBytes AntiMalware. ;)

Also I just realised you said the free version, so it's not real time protection anyway? In that case you don't need to uninstall it. Stick to uninstalling Eset first and see if it improves.
Well, @Quartz and @Rainmaker you both were right. I uninstalled ESET Friday evening and all day Saturday and today it been fine. But surprisingly since I have had ESET for almost 2 years and not had any problem like this during that time. The only thing was the above in the first post, but the shop did give me a new mother board so I presumed it was faulty.

Have either of you any idea why ESET would interrupt the web browsing/downloading like that ??
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