Friday afternoon and in the canteen.......

30 Jan 2006
What is with the Friday is Fish and Chips day in all staff canteens the country over.

I'm sure there is some reason why Friday is Fish day?

From the depths of my memory something to do with Jewish traditions and day of rest, but that could be me thinking of American Jewish plot to take over hte world.

(see speakers corner, cna't be bothered to link as it seems to much like work, and that don't happen on fridays, or mondays, or any other time I come to think of it).
Borris said:
It's a catholic and anglican thing.

I had already sort of guessed it a no meat rule, but why? and what is with Mushy peas?

Peas are nice little green cratures who live at the bottom of my garden, there is a lottery and the winners get to go to "the big house" to meat me and my pan of boiling water.

Mushy peas is just torture.
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