Friend has major Windows problem

18 Oct 2002
Andover, Hampshire
He has lost internet access, and lost sound (Nvidia) drivers. Cannot access the internet at all, he has checked with Uni but as far as they are concerned, all is ok their end. Which means its his PC.

Tried all internet options for connection - on auto detect - STILL NOTHING

Tried all Network connection - STILL NOTHING


More news, under LAN Status it says "INVALID IP ADDRESS" and it wont let him renew it???????? any ideas.
  • Reboot - to see if it is something temporary.
  • Check device manager - is network card still listed? Any yellow flags?
  • Try reinstalling the driver
  • Check for viruses
  • Look for spyware
  • Run HiJackThis.exe and look for anything hassling your "LSP" - download LSPFix.exe to correct this
  • Check your DNS Servers. I saw a virus this week which had changed a customer's DNS settings, messing with Internet Access
  • Check Network Properties - Is TCP/IP still set to DHCP?
  • Check for broken cables. Do you have a laptop you can connect to the Ethernet cable as a check?
  • Loosing sound at the same time is weird. Could be a good idea to reinstall the nVidia drivers for the motherboard.

Just a few random thoughts.... :) If you need explainations - I'll reply if I am around.

Good luck
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