Friend has offered to pay me to help with his business - Self employed set up

12 Jun 2004
Coming out with some classic threads at the moment. :p

Okay so a good fried of mine requires support on a start up (won't go into too much detail however the present climate suits this, the connections are there plus he is vastly experieced within this business area) and has asked for a pair of hands to support him as he is in the process of wrapping up his previous job.

He has offered to pay me by the hour as an extra pair of hands to help with this but i am pretty sure he won't be looking to set me up as an employee as he knows my main interests are elsewhere.

- So what is the 'easiest' way to do this legally so i pay tax?

- Can i do it all online/under 5mins for instance or is it more complex?

- I am not looking to set up my own business so i think self employed is the way forward rather than Ltd?

Thank you!
@flea.rider Also sorry i didn't mean to come across all meh. Hope it wasn't taken that way.

I predict it'll be 2-3 months at 25 hours a week on average. Moneywise...well it won't be cash as he is remote.
@PC777 Mm that is kinda my angle but i just want to know for sure this start up will even be around in say, 3 months. It has been 1 week so far so i am thinking ahead!

This week totalled 14 hours and to be honest, he is a mate and i am doing not much so i am happy to help for free at this stage. So will see if it even ramps up also.

Will contact them when things start to progress then.

So there isn't like, a website i use to fill in my info?
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