Friend looking an SEO person/company - any recommendations?

1 Dec 2004
Glasgow, Scotland
Hey folks,

I know SEO is half common sense and half black magic so was wondering if anyone could recommend a place or person who could help a friend out with their new website as it seems to have been designed without much SEO thought (not even simple meta tags in there).

Many thanks,

Hi guys,

top: I was more looking for recommendations from folks instead of who's managing to game Google this week :D

blue: Having the best designed site in the world doesnt help you get noticed so thats where they are needing the help. Link building, social media interaction and other off page SEO mainly.
I have no idea, Im not involved in it myself, he just asked me if I could point him in the right direction. But he will be battling against all other car finance firms around online like carloans4u and all the other stuff that has Google juice.
blue: Yeah I spotted all that kind of stuff you mention but I dont want to be the middle man or semi-SEO person for my friend as he wants to just pay someone to take care of business including all the stuff you mention. Working with friends can be tricky and I cant devote time to do this even if I wanted to.

von: But is your site a super generic well searched for term such as car finance or something more obscure like welsh underwater polo :D
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