Friends fall from grace

12 Nov 2008
Hey, this is a month or so old but I thought I'd share with you and maybe you can get a laugh out of it on a dull thursday.
My friend leaving for work, reverses his bike out the wrong way, thinking he is heading to uni, tries to correct and...
His CCTV captured the whole thing, his biggest mistake was sending me the AVI haha :p

Skip to around a minute or so in. And before anyone asks, yes both rider and bike went unharmed!
thats often when accidents happen, I try to make a point of if I think I have made a mistake in direction etc, just keep on going till I can pull over safely and think about it or carry on till I find a suitable turning point the time I dropped my bike was when I went the wrong way out the house and tried to turn around in a space that wasnt big enough!
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