Friends S03E04 - The top Janice was wearing when she visited Chandler's flat

8 Feb 2004

Have been forced in to a Friend's rewatch by the Mrs lol. During this episode she (the Mrs) commented on how she 'really likes' the top Janice wore when she visited Chandler's apartment. I thought it might be a nice idea to see if it is possible to track down an equivalent top and gift it to her 4 Xmas... I am sure OCUK massive can help me in my quest. I have linked a corresponding YouTube video below.

Thanks RD

Instead of indulging her want to watch old episodes of friends and surprising her with garish clothing perhaps encouraging her to get up off the sofa and become more active would be the better present for Christmas.

I am rocking 40% body fat these days so I can't really have a go at her. We may both try to lose a few Lbs in the new year but the aim is to eat, drink, be merry (and watch friends lol) during lockdown and through Xmas.
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