Friends Spec

20 Oct 2002
A friend of mine is after an upgrade...

He is buying a Akasa Eclipse, Sapphire X1800XT and a Sapphire R580 Crossfire Motherboard...

To this he is adding:

AMD XP64 3200+ (Venice) @ 2.5Ghz
1Gb (2x512Mb) Geil Platinum PC4000 DDR
2x160Gb Maxtor S-ATA (Raid0)
Antec Trueblue 480w PSU

Anything wrong with the spec?
Will the board be ok to overclock that cpu?

All looks fine to me and yes the motherboard should offer easily enough overclocking options however I'm not at all sure that he could just transfer the Raid0 array if that is what he is attempting to do.
That wont be a problem he can backup, setup the array and reinstall fresh.. :)

He is currently runnig a X800XT... Will the X1800XT offer a significant increase in performance?

I should be quieter in the Akasa as well...
Ok I just thought it best to check that your friend wasn't going to try just switching them.

Huge performance increase, the card has double the power at least, what resolutions and settings will govern how much of an improvement is seen of course :)
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