From Component to HDMI. User opinions.

26 Dec 2005
I have connected a Philips progressive Scan dvd player to my Sammy LE26R41BD LCD TV via component. I was more than happy with the picture the Philips has given but with HDMI dvd players out now I thought I could go one better with a HDMI connection.

I recently bought the Samsung HD950 dvd player and hooked that up to the TV via HDMI thinking I could get an even better picture.

Well suffice to say I was disappointed with the picture from the HD950. I much prefer the picture the Philips gave using Component. I tried the different resolutions and picture settings the HD950 offered and even hooked the HD950 to the TV using component but Philips came out on top.

I was just wondering whether anyone else prefers the quality via component to that of HDMI. At the end of the day it's down to user preference but in this case I preferred the Philips component to the Samsung HDMI.

Also if anyone does use the HD950 what picture/video settings are you using.

Fao: Pieman109

Well after my recent experience with HDMI I agree with you about Component. Ah well you live and you learn.
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