From Mac to PC... :o(

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31 Aug 2006
Hey !

I'll start with explaining a bit about my situation so hopfully you can advise me on the best route to take.. ;)

I am a profesional Digital Artist, producing high resolution visualisations and animations for the entertainment and advertising industries. At work I use Autodesk 3ds Max, Vray, Adobe After Effects and Photoshop on a daily basis on a Dell Precision 690 Workstation.

I would now like to gear myself up for doing some extra work in my spare time in the evenings and weekends but this would require me investing in a PC as unfortunatley I only have a G4 PowerMac at home.

The thing is, I am quite out of touch with whats hot and whats not in the PC world as I have been slightly 'Macified'. Dont get me wrong, I still love using OS X, the whole pholosophy of it really sits will with me, however I do realise that I will have to invest in a PC for home if I am to take my work home with me.

I have been looking at i7 processors rather than Xeons. I like the look of either an Overclockers bundle and building my own or going down the route of a Boxx Tech machine.

Any advice of Graphics cards, Motherboards, HDDs etc ect would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks in advance.
Thanks for all your replies, your probably right, I should have posted on the other section :( Hopefully it will be moved for me now, thanks EVH :)

Getting a Mac and running Boot camp certainly isn't out of the question but it would be an expensive option as the Dual Quad-Core Pros don't come cheap and I don't see the point in running a single Quad-Core Xeon when I could get an i7!!

Although they are damn nice, I don't think a MBP would necessarily cut it I'm afraid with its on board graphics chip. Anything less than a Quadro FX 3500 or Geforce equivalent wouldn't be worth investing in as far as I am concerned. Plus once you start pumping up the RAM in those things they get very expensive :(

I would be looking for at least 6GB Ram but would probably get 12 while I am at it.

Thanks guys
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