From (TV Series)

One really cringing thing in these shows is there always a Chinese person talking in their own language to everyone who doesn't understand yet they continue to do so. Get someone who can actually talk Cantonese because it's atrocious. She so bad she comes across like she has some mental disorder.
Good start but the pacing is really annoying its slowly trickling and unwinding the story. Really padding it out.
We're enjoying season 2 but silly character decisions seem to be on the up. And what's the point of Elgin, 8 episodes in and he's still wondering round like a lost sheep.

yeah definitely i mean the whole Jim questioning
is this all real (despite all he and his family been through)
with that conspiracy guy who just arrived 5 mins ago who has been nothing but trouble is stupid. Still enjoying it though despite the slow pacing and story progression.
It started off well but kinda just dragged on. Hope it picks up rather than be like lost, we are stuck here and ....
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Theyve already got that. How about a smoke monster?
Did we ever find out wtf was the smoke monster??

The writer of lost did admit in the past they didn't know what was going on for a few seasons as they made it up as it went along.

The latest episode was good. Can't wait to see how it unfolds.
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