From Unused Garage to Office...for £20

19 Sep 2016
Jensen's Leather Jacket
After deciding to turn my in house office into a playroom for the new daughter its forced me to be even more productive and turn one of our smaller garages from a junkheap into a little den of tranquility...

We have a table which I made myself from offcuts from the local DIY Store and a desk frame I picked up at the local skip - £5

Blue Carpet from off cuts in our office - £0

Paint £5

Office chair from office which was being skipped for falling below "ergonomic parameters" - £0

23" 1080p 60Hz Monitor again... destined for the skip from work because our corporate policy means we can no longer have HP products - £0

2 seat Leather Sofa - £0 we were going to throw it out so rescuing it for some casual gaming seemed the most sensible idea..

Getting it wired up with Ethernet - £10

so new office for 20 quid...

Not too shabby!



Still need to get the other Rig hooked up and the second monitor in as well as put up some shelving for the plethora of component boxes that's been accumulated... all in all though... Im pleased.

Although I think I might have a fight on my hands for the Sofa...

looks nice mate... You have any heating in there? :>
There is, but also I've re-insulated the roof and floors so it seems to keep the temps "office like" ...

...Not exactly ideal for sitting in your skivvys playing CS:GO or Battlefield.... but then again I think if I was wanting to sit in a garage in nothing but boxers and a smile while in front of a computer I think I would need to take a step back and re-evaluate some aspects of my life.. :p
As much as I love seeing the huge projects logs and people spending eye watering amounts of money on their man cave, I really do like seeing the exact opposite! Thanks for posting OP great job :)

cheers, The wad all went on baby gear... which i guess is the safer investment.

Ryzen aint gonna change my man nappy when I'm 90 after all :rolleyes:
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