Front Door 'Weather Bar' clips

22 Dec 2009
Random question, but hoping the hive mind can help...

The weather bar on the bottom of my front door has fallen off (someone stepped on it :rolleyes: ) In attempting to fix it I've reaslied that the clips are entirely ruined. Does anyone know where I can source these from? my googling has turned up nothing at all. The door is an Anglian door - but again searching for that turns nothing up, as there are no model numbers etc.

Cheers :)

you mean something like this

the piece of rubber which you also picture is what I have issues with, torn a bit , like the one in your picture - these seem to be slotted into door frame base -
I've half looking for one, but greasing the existing one has helped a bit to avoid it degrading further and ripping when door is opened/closed
Yep one of those - the rest of the unit is fine, I just need the clips so I can put it back on. The bottom door seal is next on my list to fix, but those are easier to find!
So after visiting 5 companies today and getting nothing other than blank looks, the 6th turned up with a fix. Looks like these clips are no longer used - presumably because they are rubbish. These have been replaced with screws with a bulbus head, which replicates the same profile as my plastic badgers.

The guy handed me a load and sent me on my way - hero. Now just find the bottom seal... Which I hoping I can get from here as it's branded q-lon

Same thing happened to me. The clips got brittle. I ended up filling the whole strip with no-nails and fixed it back to the door. Now I can stand on it without it budging.
Thread revival...

Replaced the seal with the correct one. Then the door dropped and started interfering with it. Obviously everyone blamed the seal, but a visit from the UPVC door man adjusted the hinges and we are finally all good. He only charged me £20, so worth trying to find a UPVC fixer if you can
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