Front Headphone Jack...Help

19 Jul 2006
On my old PC case I had a front headphone jack...

When I plugged my headphones into the jack, it over rode the speakers so I could only hear sound in my headphones.

Now I have just changed PC case, I have a new headphone jack on the front which came with the case.

When I plug my headphones into this new jack, the sound comes through the headphones AND now it comes out the speakers I now have to turn my speakers off when I want to use my headphones.

Why has this changed since I have started using my new headphone jack which was supplied with my new PC case?

Thanks in advance, Steve :)
The old socket must have been a switched type that intgrates a switch which would disable the line out on the card when the headphone plug was inserted. The new type is unswitched so both outputs are active all the time. It is possible to change it if you fancy a DIY job, but you'll really need the old case to see exactly how it was arranged originally.
Dr.EM thank you for the reply!

So what do I need to look at? I have the old headphone jack, and I have also kept my m/board, which I am using now.

What would I need to do then to change it to a switch type?

Thanks :)
Hmm, the easiest option may be to take the little board from your old case that has the standard headphone socket, mic socket, 2xusb and firewire on it (assuming it has that), and replace the one in the new case with it (assuming it lines up). That is not very probable, but is easy to try (my old one unscrewed easily).

Otherwise, you need to change the headphone socket. This is less easy as the PCB is drilled for an unswitched one and won't have the holes or tracks for the switching connectors. The best way is probably to get a panel fit type switched one and solder a molex onto it via some cable. Then, you can join this up to the headphone plug that leads from the soundcard (assuming this plugs in seperately and isn't all on one big connector, it may be together with the mic. It is possible to cut the connector apart if you are confident you know which is which). Doing this, you'll need to find another location on the case for it to fit. I can help you do this if you post a set of good quality photos of the old board and the new board and the connectors to them. It depends if you fancy doing it/think it is worth doing.

thanks for helping, but I think I'm just going to turn my speakers off when I want to use my headphones! :)

yeah its a bugger, my memory card reader off the old case is 3.5inch (fits perfectly on the new case)

the old headphone and microphone jack along with 2xUSB ports and a firewire port is in a square shape, so that cant go anywhere on the new case :(

unless I cut a square hole in one of the spare CD drives bit of plastic covering and mount it there in the future.

Thanks, Steve :)
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