Frontpage or Dreamweaver

erm dreamweaver, but your better of coding a site yourself if you using one for like a design view its not reccomended as different browsers can show it differently
Dreamweaver in code view.. dont use a design view unless its just to have a rough check.. the design view in dreamweaver can display stuff wrongly anyway.. so its not to be fully trusted.. only trust the site your looking at in your web browser..
cruisinbeatz said:
Which is better and why? Im not sure what application to use for my new website.

Frontpage is terrible. Code is invalid, and designed to be view by IE nothing else.

I'm a web designer and I use dreamweaver. Far more compliant. Design your site using CSS and should limit any cross browser problems people get from using the design view in DW.
If you're starting a new website, that can't be handled by a blog system such as or simply just for about yourself such as, for photos or whatever then time to get learning. If you have to use software to produce the website then steer clear of Frontpage, and although Dreamweaver is just as bad it pips it, to help you a long the way read some HTML and CSS tutorials through, the mark up side of things really isn't that difficult as long as you've got your idea. You'll realise Notepad is easy to use!

Your site won't be great first time but you're a beginner, keep tweaking it, even if it looks shockingly horrible - listen to advice people give you about it and don't immediately think you're the man & a top quality web designer. Leave that til you get unexpectedly paid £100 even if you say you're working for free. :p

A few pointers:
  • Font: Times / Comic Sans = No. Trebuchet, Arial, Verdana, Georgia = Yes.
  • Colour: Look what other websites use to be effective - not just black blue and grey. lol.
  • Structure: Use a clear content section against a background.
  • Navigation: Don't use them god awful flash buttons in Dreamweaver
  • Use Google to help you but don't steal people's work.

Woah, lots of writing...hmm back to play on my Wii. :) :p
My work place has a frontpage based site and it's a nightmare to administer and looks like it was writen by a 14 year old in 1994.

I'm hoping to get a new site up and running soon, but the guvnor knows much less then I do about web sites, so he avoids the issue.

If you want to learn to code web sites is excellent.
dreamweaver. Notepad is good if you know everything there is to know about html, php etc. If you dont then dreamweaver is the way forward.
monkeysmith said:
Frontpage is terrible. Code is invalid, and designed to be view by IE nothing else.

If you use the Design View then yes, but if you use code view then the user is creating the code, so if it's invalid then, it's the users fault. Not the editor.

My websites are designed in Frontpage code view and they work in all mainstream browsers. :)

monkeysmith said:
I'm a web designer and I use dreamweaver. Far more compliant. Design your site using CSS and should limit any cross browser problems people get from using the design view in DW.

If you're going to be using Code view, the difference between Frontpage and Dreamweaver is slim. I'm still using Frontpage out of habit, but I'll end up moving to a simple advanced text-editor as some point for my HTML too, like PsPad.
cruisinbeatz said:
gosh css is harder than I thought, even with the book im finding it quite hard to get to grips with.

Don't worry, it's actually quite simple once you get into it. The first time I started I was like, "hmm" after a few days I was well away.

Btw, have a read up on the signature rules on the FAQ. No more that 4 lines of text I'm afraid, you might want to trim it down before a moderator replaces it with a warning signature. :)
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