Sorry if some of these are blindingly obvious but some of them dumfounded me when I moved a few years back
1) Control Panel is 'Apple logo in top right' / system preferences
2) Application preferences are usually( 'Application name' in the bar across the top and then 'Preferences' or Cmd+,
3) If you ever can't find the menu command you want in an app, use help in the top bar and search for it
4) Alternative options are available in the dock by right clicking (two finger click) while holding alt. Ie if you need to force quick an application or relaunch finder
5) Enable 'three finger drag' gesture (you can click and drag by just using three fingers on the trackpad)
6) Yoink is a very useful app that I couldn't live without (search on the app store)
7) You can drag external USB sticks onto the trash icon (it changes to eject) to eject them
8) There are various apps on the app store (£0.69) that can enable/disable hidden files for you if you need to get under the hood for any reason (otherwise you need to use the terminal)
9) Use Cmd+space to open search (spotlight) and then type app name is a very quick way of opening applications
10) Task Managed is called Activity Monitor
11) Command Prompt is called Terminal
Hope at least a couple of these are useful