Well, I've tried 4 Linux distros on this machine and in all cases the LiveCD doesn't run. Unbuntu and Mint, I never get to the screen that invites you to run it, it just reads the CD up to a certain point then stops (CD works on another box). OpenSuse gives me a screen full of coloured blocks. Fedora invites me to run it then I just get a blank screen with a cursor. Of course the machine runs Windows 7 and Vista perfectly. I thought the hardware was pretty standard:
ASUS P5Q Deluxe
ATI 3870 video card
2 x hard drives
LG 22" flat panel
Netgear USB wireless adaptor
Another machine is perfect - Gigabyte board with onboard video, and the same Netgear wireless adaptor - so it isn't as if I have not had success elsewhere.
Any clues ? Another distro to try perhaps ? Sigh...
ASUS P5Q Deluxe
ATI 3870 video card
2 x hard drives
LG 22" flat panel
Netgear USB wireless adaptor
Another machine is perfect - Gigabyte board with onboard video, and the same Netgear wireless adaptor - so it isn't as if I have not had success elsewhere.
Any clues ? Another distro to try perhaps ? Sigh...