FS2004 Query

6 Nov 2005
Probably a standard question round these parts as I know there are quite a few FS players around here.

I recently bought this game and have been trying to play with a keyboard but have found some of the student lessons pretty difficult esp. turning. I fear this may be down to the method of control, so I need to know if a joystick is essential to play this game properly as if so I'll need to buy one in the near future.

It the answer is a yes which I feel is most likely, a recommendation wouldn't go amiss :p .
yes if you want to steer a plane.

I use a logitech wireless found it very good

for freeware downloads and tutorials, see avsim or simviation ;)
I would say no i'm afraid. cheap joysticks tend to be a pain in the ***

They either go permanently out of calibration or cease to work at all (also the buttons fail)

As a rule of thum i would spend £30

The extreme 3d pro one looks like mine , just not wirelss, i havent had it long but it feels well made.

Good ones last forever, cheap ones are nothing but trouble :(
my one cost 15 quid and kick severe ass in bf2. its better than the more expensive oens because its dumbed down for bf2 use.
then again this is fs, how ever my main point is, ive had it since bf:vietnam and its still going strong, its a saitek st-90 btw.
Not sure if this is allowed, but im selling my Saitek Cyborg Evo joystick for £20 (£30 in the shops)

The reviews ive seen for it are very good and ive used it for a week, and its been an extremely good performer, shame i lost interest in FS2004.

A joystick is essential as you've already found, I would reccomend one with a built in throttle as engine control is a large part of succesful flights.

I can reccomend the Saitek Cyborg Evo as a good basic stick for FS2004 (and not because Gigi is selling one).
and if you are really serious about your flight sims then Lock On:Modern Air Combat is the only way to go.

It's an absolute master-piece of flight sim air combat software - plus it has two uber addons - flaming cliffs and the soon to be released black shark which adds a miliatary russian helicopter to the mix. :D

the top of the line joysticks are of course the saitek x52s.
You can also save a bit of money by not getting the force feedback model. It makes no real difference in FS9 really.

X-Plane is also very realistic in terms of dynamics and flight controls. There isnt as many airports as such like there are in FS9, but the accuracy of the game is near to spot on.

If only developers created addons such as the PMDG 737NG for X-Plane with working FMC's and the likes. :o
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