Ft03 mini - atx power supply? Or small footprint case

25 Oct 2013
I need to get a new case
I currently have my pc on a table and have to connect it to tv as and when i want to play on it
My plan was to stick the pc behind tv unit (it is in a corner) because there is enough space, but my corsair 250d is too long to fit
I have had the ft03 before and loved that case, but the ft03 mini would be a better fit (need the small footprint) but it takes only sfx power supplies
Now i can see looking at the pic of the case there is a lot space in the top if i dremelled the metal, but seems a big task!

As anyone put in a atx power supply in the ft03 slim?

If not can anyone recommend a case with a small'ish foot print.
I have a mitx motherboard and a gtx 760 if this makes a difference?!
You can put a small ATX psu into the FT03 mini but you will require a little modding and a very low profile cpu cooler / low profile waterblock. Two lower screw holes will sit under the FT03 power/reset block.

Also it will butt up against the back of the GPU Slot. There is some photos on another forum (Similar name to this) they have an Official FT03 and mini thread there too.

Ok thanks for that
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