grr, have been asked at work to create an ftp process that looks for a trigger file, ftp's 1 or more files in a directory and log the success/failure. I'm not a programmer and the 'expert' is on his hols and this needs to be in place by Wednesday.
I have the following so far in a batch file:
if not exist "i:\directory1\Out\trigger.txt" GOTO end
ftp -s: i:\directory1\FTP_pf.cmd
del "i:\directory1\Out\*.*"
FTP_pf.cmd is where I am stuck. I have the login details of the ftp site which will go at the beginning of the .cmd file - not a problem. What I need to happen is for it to look at the first file, send it and log the result to a file i.e filename & success/failure and read the next file etc etc. Presumably some form of FOR loop is required?
I have the following so far in a batch file:
if not exist "i:\directory1\Out\trigger.txt" GOTO end
ftp -s: i:\directory1\FTP_pf.cmd
del "i:\directory1\Out\*.*"
FTP_pf.cmd is where I am stuck. I have the login details of the ftp site which will go at the beginning of the .cmd file - not a problem. What I need to happen is for it to look at the first file, send it and log the result to a file i.e filename & success/failure and read the next file etc etc. Presumably some form of FOR loop is required?