Fuel cards...

Oblivious said:
Yes, for companies that buy a lot of petrol/diesel.

Not for individuals.

Get every one in the OCUK motors forums together and get a bunch of fuel cards and say its a company :p
Discounts for everyone :D
Oblivious said:
Yes, for companies that buy a lot of petrol/diesel.

Not for individuals.

We dont but a lot, we fill up the van twice a week, my car one every 2 weeks, dads once a week, mums once every 2 weeks

thats around 480+50+200+50
which is 780 litres a month, will that attract a discount,

we do have a company.
Oblivious said:
Yes, for companies that buy a lot of petrol/diesel.

Not for individuals.

Some do but most dont, my company is whining about how much Overdrive costs them. i think they are looking at diesel direct or something and aim to save lots of money with their card.
jamoor said:
thats around 480+50+200+50
which is 780 litres a month, will that attract a discount,


I would very much doubt it , it may get you a credit period but I doubt it would get a discount
The advantage from a company point of view is usually the credit period, lack of paperwork compared to claim forms and a lot of them will provide stats etc. for you to track who is using what.. you generally don't get a discount.
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