Fuji 18mm standard kit lense or 27xf mm

16 Sep 2005
What used to be a UK
Because I can't really afford the xf 18-135 (Fuji) lense at the moment, would it be a good idea to buy the 27mm xf series for landscape and get £75.00 back and simply stitch two to three shots together as opposed to using the standard kit lense of 16-55mm xc @3.5-5.6? The 27mm is retailing for about £180.00 with £75.00 back. To stich I would be using Gigapan Auto.
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The 18 & 27mm lenses aren't on the qualifying list for the current cash back promotion.

You are correct. There are however some retail sites out there creating the impression you can/slinging the claim up to £375.00 cash back under every Fuji lens they sell, which is quit misleading :(
At the moment I'm edging towards the XF 27mm F2.8 prime as a look at comparisons between the 16-50XC and 18-55 XF has shown very little discernible difference in good light apart from speed and bokeh, and I already possess the 16-50XC. A recent test showed the 18mm prime loosing out slightly to the 18-55 XF as well. The 27mm is said to be sharper than the 18mm as well. Who would have thought choosing a lens would be so difficult?
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Haha. Now I'm wavering between the the 18mm prime and the 18-50 xf 2.8.The latter giving me the option to sell the 18-55 xc I already own with a spare XA1 to cover the cost. Does anybody know the resale value of a XA1 with 18-55 XC kit lens? Thanks.
Sorry, getting confused by the numbers. I like the detail on your photo. The 18mm-55 f2.8 would have the advantage of me not having to buy another lens for portraiture and Street whilst being useful for landscape. Obviously I could then shift the 18-50XC with the XA1 (which I replaced with the XT10).
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Finally went for the XF 18-55 2.8-4 after reading so many good things about it, so I'm hoping to prove its worth over the coming Winter months. Thanks for all the advice and recommendations.
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