Fuji considerations

You sir appear to be chasing the rainbow :)

Sit back and think about what you want out of photography, and be realistic about it. Else you'll always be chasing the next greatest thing. There really isn't a bad camera system out there today, but some do offer better functionality over others for specific tasks.
Don't want to sound harsh but are we going to get a thread every time you read a review?

People (including me) have taken the time to reply to your other threads regarding gear and 5 minutes later we get a new thread talking about a totally different system.
My advice is to get off the review sites, stop comparing every little detail and just get something at a price you want to pay.

If you already have some gear don't just go spending. Think about what it is about your current equipment that's limiting what you want to do and try to use it in a different saving you cash in the process.
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