Fuji F30... maybe

24 May 2004
So then, imagine you are in a tropical country during christmas week - would you be prepared to carry a DSLR or a pocket size compact.

Looking to get either the Fujifilm F30 or a Tamron 17-50 lens, for use abroad. A little voice inside me says, get the F30 and be happy - lugging a camera rucksack everywhere might not be too romantic.. but the devil inside says, quality! quality! nice new lens! What do you think?
Depends what kind of Holiday, if you are there to get drunk then a P&S will do but if you are there to see things then take the DSLR. Just make sure you have a good bag and it shouldn't be too much of a problem.
I fly to Malaysia this weekend with a 1D and lenses. Have to say that I thought for a while about the choice of lenses, but it'll still be a rucksack to carry it around.
If you're worried about the weight of the camera, buy an OpTech strap, which will at least make it more comfortable.
Funny enough, Malaysia is one of the destinations. After a careful 20 min brainstorming session, I have decided I will take a video camera and the DSLR and try and alternate. Best of both worlds!
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