Fuji X-M1 black cyber Monday sales

5 Mar 2006
its £399 with XF27 mm and kit lens, plus qualifies for a free 50-230 lens on the River website.

Just pulled the trigger on an impulse buy!
It's a good deal, about on par as the last one with the £100 Amazon voucher and also £100 cash back from Fuji. I was going to get one but ultimately I thought to myself, i am I going to get a new system with new lenses, I think I get a D750...as size does not play a factor or my camera purchase.
Hard to say. From the little I've read the oly offers better ergonomics and controls, but the Fuji seems to have the edge on IQ. Fuji X mount lenses still look expensive. APS-c appeals to me and low light high ISO quality will be interesting to check against my Canon 650D. No touch screen for focus control looks like a bit of a deal breaker though...

To be honest I got it out of curiosity, looks like a cracking deal for 3 lenses and if it doesn't float my boat I'm pretty sure I'll sell it on given the original discount/ offer.
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