Full backup to cloud storage solutions?



30 Apr 2003
I have an arcane tape library that's due to die any time soon, with tapes being shipped offsite... old school.

We use veeam to reduce our backup down to about 8TB with 10-14 days retention, I'm looking to replicate the backup data offsite once a week via a cloud storage platform but so far it's not looking too appealing.

Anyone doing something similar?
What do you mean it's not looking too appealing? Veeam has pretty comprehensive support for backup and replication to Azure storage, or you can deploy an S3 Storage Gateway.
I wasn't initially looking at deploying a storage gatewa but the gateway in AWS was looking to cost $300pm before storage allocation. Given offsite storage is only costing around £90-100 a month it's not great from a finance point of view.

What I haven't done is take into account new local storage devices, plus tapes/drives etc and figured it out from there.

What sort of costs are you getting going up to S3?
Backup to cloud is lunacy. Replication/object copy to cloud for a DR perspective, I understand. Bear in mind some cloud storage providers make it free to upload data, but charge through the nose when you want to get it all back. Plus you need to consider the WAN link vs any SLO, RTO or RPO.
How much are you spending on tapes etc? If there's not really the Opex budget in place then you might be best off upgrading your LTO library and drive(s).

Otherwise have Veeam dump its data out to AltaVault / DataDomain and mirror to a cloud object storage provider of your choice.
If you want a simple solution look at Veeam Cloud Connect through a Veeam Cloud Service Provider.

It allows you to run backup copies to the cloud within the Veeam console. You can copy as often as your backup jobs run. I think you can backup directly to a cloud repo as well if you want to but copies work best. Restores offer the same options as local storage, so you can pull guest files/SQL tables and AD objects without pulling the whole backup file down.

Talk to a few providers as it's very flexible from their point of view as to how they store your data and wrap around DR services they can offer.

You probably won't get 8TB for £100 a month though.
Veeam to Azure? I think there is a veeam vm on azure as well that you can use to simply create a large storage drive for the backups. Or it might work to a mapped drive via the blob storage.
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