Full Drive/ Windows Clone

28 Nov 2005
Hello people!

Any of you know of good software so i can do a full backup of my Windows drive + settings etc.

I want it to save exactly how Windows is now just in case one of my drive blows etc.

Also will the software save all the drivers etc (as i imagine it should do)?

I used Symantec Ghost for this sort of thing although I've heard of a few other products that are very good at it too (Acronis Trueimage?)

Basically they save everything into one large file (or multiples if you want to split it for CD/DVDs) and has everything on your HDD exactly as it is.
Best software is Acronis TrueImage - this will allow you to restore your backup to your boot drive to exactly the same state as when the backup was created.

Other software is Norton Ghost, Windows XP Backup (though you have to have a working copy of XP to perform the restore), Symantec DriveImage, Drive Snapshot (has a 30-day full test)
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