full flash sites

17 Oct 2002
I was going to make a poll but don't seem to have the option.

Not sure if anyone has noticed but there seems to be a lot of webdesign companies doing flash only sites. To me a lot of them look tacky and very few of them validate.

I have an interview on thursday with one company and their site is flash only and so random there's cars/computers/planets! etc popping up all over, looks like they've just downloaded a template.

The coding on the site is horrendous, it has no header at all and comes up as "Untitled-1" and 137 lines of code (out of a total of 160) are just javascript :confused: . I'm questioning whether or not to bother going.

I don't mind a bit of flash and I've seen a few sites with flash that look ok. I just think it should be used for objects rather than a whole site.

What do you think :confused:
Not sure I should say :) I'm just speaking in general.

It was just this site which prompted my feelings. If you open the swf file on it's own it all works aswell so not sure the reasoning for all the javascript.

But generally speaking, what use is a flash only site, at least with php/asp etc it can be updated easily (you can login to it to update it etc) :confused:
Robdav said:
Slightly off topic, but when I interviewed for the job I have now I was asked what I thought about the companies web site. It was an early 1990's frontpage site which wasn't standards compliant, and looked like a 5 year old had knocked it up in paint.

Being the honest sort of chap I am, I natuarally told them that it was very bad. They offered me the job there and then.
cool :)

might tell them it's a bit rubbish then. The job is meant to be xhtml, css, php.

I think if you're going to start a webdevelopment/design company the least you could do is learn html tho :(

all the content on the site is on warping text using image transitioning, takes forever to read.
Robdav said:
so this job your going for is for a web design company that has a poor web site? I would think twice about the job then mate. if a web design company can't produce the "goods" for their own site it doesn't say a lot for them tbh.
yer that's why I'm not sure if I should even turn up for the interview. It sounds to me like someone who knows a little bit about flash has started a webdesign company and wants to employ someone to do the real work of coding etc :(

bit put off by the fact there's no portfolio on the site aswell

I was only put forward onto them thru an agency aswell, so until I got the details for the interview I'd never seen their site :(
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maybe :)

I had one agency asking me for my cv in windows format lol :rolleyes: The girl on phone:
girl "could you send me your cv in windows format"
me "windows format?"
girl "yes"
me "do you mean word format?"
girl "oh I don't know I'm not too good on computers" *giggly*

Not sure how she got that job
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