Full new build or ... ?

27 Jun 2014
Hi all

I have had this PC a while and have been planning upgrading for a quite a bit as well. Original specs are:

i5-4670 (non-k)
16GB G-skill RAM
MSI Z87-G43
Corsair HX750
1070 SC
3 SSD ,1 HDD

Unfortunately the GPU has just died. I originally wanted to upgrade to a Ryzen board and CPU first, keeping the 1070 and upgrading that down the line. Can't do this now so am thinking if anything is worth salvaging?

Is it right that the higher end Ryzen chips need a GPU as they don't have that function? As this means I can't do that upgrade first without buying a GPU as well.

Also if I go full new PC I can use all my drives but I will need a new Windows installation. Is that right? I was trying to save some cash by not including drives or Windows but I don't think that will work. (Is that the case for new mobo/CPU as well?)

Lot's of questions sorry :)
Thanks for replies. Good questions there.

After closer inspection I think the mobo is dead as well - otherwise an i7 k might be the way to go with a beast GPU :))

I only game 1080p 60hz, I play a lot of online shooters but also strategy and all sorts really. Budget 800 ish. I was thinking of biting the bullet and getting a cheapish 3600 build with a 1660 or something, then later on dropping in a new GPU.
I have a new 1TB 860 QVO (unused) but also have in the old build
  • 64GB Samsung SSD (Boot drive, not big enough actually)
  • 256GB spare SSD
  • 500GB seagate HDD - just old games and stuff, probably could retire as it is really old
Cheers all.

Ryzen 3600
some 550 mobo and 16gb 3200Mhz RAM
new Phanteks case

coming in the post. I kept the PSU. Still need to get a GPU, can't decide if to get a cheapo 2nd hand then try and get a 3070, or spend 2-300 on a 2nd hand 1070/1080 and keep it a while..... :/

Makes sense to wait I suppose. I think I will chuck in something very low end just to get everything working and so I can watch stuff - I use this for general entertainment as well, not sure I can last to Oct.. :)
I love your thinking. I swapped out a 580 for a 2080 Ti (£480) yesterday and will likely swap back, since I've discovered I don't have enough fingers for witcher3, so no chance for cyberpunk.

I played Witcher 3 with a Playstation controller, and it worked really well for me. Have you tried that?
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