FullMetalTony saying hi

20 Oct 2010
Hello, new to this forum.

I've always been interested in PC's but never had the time to properly fiddle with them. I work in Quality management and SAP data maintenance, so I'm using them the whole time, but would much rather be playing games on them.

Hence I've owned a 360 for a hell of a long time and been in a community of gamers, but recently got hooked on WoW. So I've ordered an upgraded graphics card (OCuk HD5450) which I'm still not sure will go into my Dell E521. As far as my research tells me I just need a 4pin to 6pin PCI-e power cable adaptor, though the fact the motherboards on the wrong side may cause me to need to butcher the case a bit. We'll see when it arrives.

One of these days, pending lottery win or getting paid more, I plan to build my own PC. Feeling inspired after reading through this forum :cool:

Xbox Live gamertag is Full Metal Tony, which is due to me feeling rather lacking in inspiration when I signed up for it and watching Full Metal Alchemist at the time, it's a bit cheesy but I've grown to like it :)
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