Fun sitting experiences. vive

27 Jan 2012
The king of the north!
Hey everyone, as a vive owner with a limited space im currently looking for some fun sitting experiences.

My favorite so far being a massive space nerd is Apollo 11. I dislike ED for my own reasons so that is off the books. I have played some pcars but it's a stuttering mess ( 6820hk thats overclocked ) around identical performance to a 6700k. And a GTX1070.

I have played a few room scale games but i simply don't have the space until i relocate in the near future.

For now though i would really like to play some chilled out sit down games maybe with an xbox pad?

any ideas :)?

Lunar Flight is very chill and sounds like it will fit the bill. It's not just an experience, it's fun and challenging with simple objectives. It plays perfectly with an xbox controller, or you can use a HOTAS if you wish, and should run very well with those specs.

Vector 36 is another I enjoyed and should run just fine. Again you can use a controller or HOTAS, but I've only ever played it with the former.
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VTOL VR is an interesting early access flight sim with full virtual controls including the stick on Steam. It's very basic looking and has nothing to do with space while giving a fairly unique experience.
Project cars ran fine on my old 980ti you just need to adjust the settings. Try aa off, all post processing off and everything on low, up the steam supersampling to 1.5. Turn on reprojection to. That should be more than playable on a 1070.
I have tried Pcars with absolutely minimum graphical settings and it's completely unplayable with supersampling at 1.0 ( what is reprojection ? )
DCS. IMO, the best VR "sim" available. The core game engine is free with a couple of aircraft. So you can try it. Note that if you want additional aircraft, gets a lot more expensive quickly.
House of the Dying Sun is a great little space combat sim. Much easier to get into than Elite, though of course much more limited in scope.

Also Battlezone VR is a fun experience, though apparently much more fun in co-op.
DCS. IMO, the best VR "sim" available. The core game engine is free with a couple of aircraft. So you can try it. Note that if you want additional aircraft, gets a lot more expensive quickly.

To be fair this is probably a pretty good call for me, i do have an thrusmater A10 warthog hotas not plugged in. But, i won't be able to plug it in due to lack of usb ports :(
PCars takes a gfx performance hit on lots of stuff

Make sure detailed grass is off, add "-skipcrowds" and "-pthreads=4" to improve multithreading to help cpu in the steam launch options under properties

It's really worth it, one of the nicest VR implementations...
Assetto Corsa is my favourite driving experience in VR. 90fps on max settings on my rig, better physics than pCars1, not tried pCars2.
IL2:Stalingrad, DCS, WarThunder - in that order, for flying in VR. Free Aircar VR demo is also a pretty good flying experience.

Alien Isolation is also top notch in VR.
Assetto Corsa is far from my favourite since many of the menus don't work in VR. The driving experience is good though.

Project Cars 2 you probably haven't tried yet no, unless you're a known reviewer ... it's coming out in September. Should be good though, well performing and top notch VR integration.
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