26 Jan 2005
OK take a look at my pic below notice whats wrong :)
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Thats right people look at the cpu and memory speed in cpu-z.

CPU = 4.8Ghz

Memory = 370Mhz (Keep in mind this is geil value)

Looks great right, well wrong :mad:

Since this morning and for no apparent reason I have been having many problems. Counter Strike Source and Trackmania and Bink Video all run in slow motion, its not the fps as CS:S is reporting 299fps.

In the bios everything is set to default and still the same problem, so there is no actual overclocking taking place as well as the fact that mbm is not reporting this problem.

Any idea this is driving me nuts, and I can't figure it out. :(
The Cpu is a year old and has been running fine the machine was running fine till I restarted today.

If the first screen shot it good take a look at this ;)

If only it was running at these speeds and not just reporting them :)

Where does CPU-Z read this information from.

I have flashed my bios in case it was corrupt some how but no luck its still runs in slow motion in the things I meationed earlier.
Benchmarks all run the same unfortunately, but I believe I have solved the problem :)

After hundreds of re-boots and driver installs last night (I was up till 4am) still nothing would work, the bios is right but windows is wrong.

Any how after a while I notice something when my pc is turned of the motherboaqrd still has a light turned on, the pc is all plugged into the mains. So I thought what if the power to that LED is powering other components, so I tuned the pc off at the wall socket left it for 5 miniutes returned power and re-booted and now now issue Half-Life 2 is fine as is everything else, anyone care top explain why thou?
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