Future Resistant PSU

26 Aug 2003
Ringwood, Hampshire, UK

I'm looking replace my aging Enermax 650W PSU with a module-based one in the near future, but which one? Ideally I'd like one that will be future resistant so it can work with a newer AM2 or Conroe system and handle SLi...

Does anyone have any information on what specifications these new CPU's will need? Is ATX 2.2 good enough? :confused:

Getting future-proof psu's is difficult because often changes to the atx spec require different connectors. Sometimes you can get adaptors, sometimes you can't. I would expect both Conroe and AM2 to use Atx 2.2 as AM2 is identical to 939 with power requirements, and Conroe will use far less power than its predecessor so may even loose some connectors.

Whats wrong with your current psu?
I would imagine its powerfull enough for almost anything.
Are you sure you need modular?
I find i use every connector available which makes getting a modular psu pointless.
There isn't really anything wrong with my current PSU with my current setup. It just's old, it has no SATA power connectors non PCI-E connectors...yes I can get adaptors for things (and have), but I have used all the power connectors.

Does a module-based PSU have the option of using what type of connectors you want, like say instead of having four molex connectors for hard drives you have four SATA ones instead?
I think not. You can either have the sata power conenctors or not, but if you don't have them i don't think you can have a set of molex connectors instead. You would use the molex connectors you already have and leave a plug blank where the sata power conenctors would go. Have to ask someone with a modular psu to be sure.

If you current psu is doing its job i wouldn't change it, unless its too noisy or not powerfull enough. If you've got the money lying about tho theres no reason not too...
Thanks for the advice...think I'll leave it for a while then. Don't think I'll be moving on to the newer CPU's until the end of the year anyway...well not until the DX10 cards start to appear.
R@tman said:
I dont think anything is future proof now is it ?
There is a certain mixture of skill and pot luck to predicting what hardware will last well and what won't... but when you get it right it can save you a lot of time and money.
If you want the technology to advance at a decent pace you can't have everything waiting around for new standards to be defined.
A good example is the 802.11n fiasco, holding back the entire industry so they have started releasing their own conflicting 'standards' which aren't future proof and don't work with anyone elses 'standard'.
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