FZ750 Genesis - 1989

19 Nov 2011
Hi all,

Figured i'd do a little log of this very special (To me) bike.

So this bike has been through three genrations so far and has been in the family since new - This is the main reason why i'm doing my A license in the beginning of June. First she was bought new by my Grandad, then after a couple of years, she was given to my Dad who kept it for just over 30 years.
I remeber being around 8-9 years old and sitting on it, just in awe of the noise and look of the bike.

Anyway, my dad is having a big clearout and the FZ needed to go somewhere - My Dad didn't want to sell it, but asked if I wanted it and I of course said yes.

Now she is a little poorly - She needs a carb clean and balance at minimum. When you start her up, three cylinders go, the forth goes after she is warm. The idle jets must be blocked, at least partially. Rough idle and a bit hesitant.

She needs a tidy up like a polish on the engine covers and a new coat of paint on the lump.

The bike has a FZR front end on it, and uprated brakes too.

Anyway, pictures:






Of course, the pesky SV is lurking in the background :p
So, shes now running!

A few things, I cleaned all of the carbs out, ended up bench syncing the carbs as cylinder 3-4 butterflys where open compared to 1-2.
Replaced the inlet rubbers, from the carbs.

I also replaced the o-rings between the head and manifold as I think air was being let in on cylinder 3.

Placed the carbs back on the bike, gave them a good push and what have you. Primed the pump, and started on the button!
I've been chasing hanging idles - Most of it was due to air. The other rason is because of cable free play... Still need to adjust them to make them right.

When the bike is cold it doesn't really do it, but when warm the revs hang a little, but if you push the throttle tube back the idles goes down straight away.

More pictures to come soon.
Awesome work. Now you can really get down to business :D
Took her about 40 miles since.

Does this sound like a sticky return cable to you?

Start bike, revs up and down fine, sometimes it sticks, many when warm. But firmly holding the throttle tube brings it back down instantly. Revving the bike while pushing the throttle tube back, the idle is perfect, and instantly back like it should be.

Twist the throttle again, revs hang, unless I push the throttle tube back.

I got a new screw for my choke knob. :D
I have done some cosmetic work, got rid of he pitting on the exchaust and re-painted the tips.

Removed the bubbling on the engine casings, and corrosion and given her a lick of paint.
The engine casing is dull at the moment, I need to shine it up, but looks much better so far.

Here are some piccies of how she looks now:




When she started up, and ran nice I was so, so happy. The first ride was lovely, it felt amazing to be riding a bike passed down through 3 generations. :)
I would just check for tension on the return, it may be too slack at throttle closed (or the other cable is too tight not allowing it to return!), and you pushing it shut is enough to overcome whichever one is causing the issue :)
Hey mate,

Had a look at this yesterday - It is still doing it.
I have lubricated the spring linkages on the carbs, they snap shut with a reassuring click. Loosened off both the pull and return cable, flicking the throttle, it appears to close just fine.

Started the bike in, the same thing, unless I roll the throttle tube back then idle goes back to normal. Staright away, it isn't an air leak because I wouldn't be able to replicate it each time. If I push it back while closingt he throttle with a firm grip, idle goes down like it should, blip it and the idle goes 500 rpm huigher than usual, until I do the same again.

The carbs snap back, with the tank off and what have you.

Any ideas? Really annoying me now :mad:. Could do with some advice at this point. :(
If it snaps back with tank off I'd be checking cable routing to make sure it''s not kinking / snagging when all together. Lube your throttle cables and remove throttle tube to check that isn't binding. Bike looks to be in very good condition. I'm a sucker for late 80's early 90's bikes. Enjoy it :D
Thank you. :D

Another update, took her home, whipped tank off.
I noticed a noise, almost like a rattle, two screws have fell of the bar which hold the carbs together - so loctited those back in.

Slight hanging is still there, not got any 3-1 oil yet.

However, the rattle is still there, it sounds like screws sat on top of the block vibrating, but I can't see them... Might have to take the whole bottom fairing off again to have a look.

I definately doesn't sound like a knock - Oil is where it should be. I hope that it isn't a knock, and its just something vibrating. Seems to be louder when the engine is vibrating more at say 3-4k rpm.
Still got a bit of a sticky cable for the throttle.

I've made a video of the ticking noise I was referring to, you can hear it properly towards the end of the video.
The bike rides lovely and has power everywhere - Just wanted to see what you guys make of this noise, does it sound ok? I'm thinking cam chain rattle, which is fine the SV does that a lot anyway.

posted the video below. :)

Wow, an FZ750 that wasn’t thrown down the road and/or ended up on the track. Once upon a time, I spannered on one of those for a local club racer. Even did the Manx GP once. Can’t remember anything ever coming loose from the standard carb block before it was ditched for a set of flatslide Mikunis.
They definately are far an between, shes always been garaged.

Have you watched the video in my last post? I'm a bit of any overthinker, but figured that I would ask to put my mind at rest. Its the noise towards the end of the video just after revving the bike. :)

@Malt_Vinegar thoughts? :) :cool:
Hmm, could be any number of things, the two things mentioned above are always a good shout for a ticking. (Exhaust leak/CCT)

Could even just be something loose and rattling (electrical connector/cable) or tapping against the frame as the vibrations changes/dull from the revs.

Personally, I would just send it :D

No exhaust leak checked that already. :D

So you think that she sounds ok then based on that? Your the man with the older bikes here, I need your knowledge :p
Okay, so you don't think it sounds like a knock or anything like that then?
Oil level is good.

I can live with the CCT, valves I need to look at but I might give it someone else to do as I really don't fancy the 5 valves per cylinder affair.
Changed the oil yesterday evening - Was a little dark, and definately ready for a change. No metal bits where in there, or really much of anything really - Apart from just being dirty.
Left her to drain overnight.

Rode her to work this morring, and a lunch time blast to check for filter leaks etc... The bike feels so, so much smoother. Its almost like a new machine, the engine sounds quiter too.

Though, like a noob (I'm used to spin on filters, not old skool cartridge) I unscrewed the filter without a tray on it, so made a right mess, which I STILL need to fully clean up because i'm lazy. Placed a bpoar of laminate over top to get the bike out over it :p
Sounds like a fairing rattle or something touching the fairing to me. Not got a little stone or piece of gravel trapped in there?
Definately not on the right side as I've had it off to do the oil change.

You might be right, it definately sounds like something caught, and it didn't do it when I was running it with them off. :)
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