G.Skill 2GB DDR (2x1GB)

6 Jul 2006
South East
G.Skill 2GB DDR Faulty or not (please read on)

I picked up some: G.Skill 2GB DDR (2x1GB) Latency: 2-3-2-5 PC3200 (wont say where from of course or OC admins will moan ;) ) cheap to put in the following PC:

AMD Athlon 64 4000+
MSI K8N Neo Plat
Western Digital 80gb SATA 150 HD

Weird thing is every say 5mins or so will random reboot and uppon restart claim system has recoverd from fatal error. :confused: Now i thought 'weird was fine before this ram went in?' So put the old stuff back in and no problems anymore. At this point decide to open up two more PC's in household that both close to the spec of the one above but on diff motherboards and exact same thing happens with the G.Skill when used on them. :(

No systems are overclocked so can i presume from above that the G.Skill are infact duff stick/sticks? (came as pair)
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Ok will do that later this evening, can return these thank god since i didnt get them off some dodgy website so that a plus i guess if they turn out to be duffers. :)
Dont know yet, was too tired when i got home from work to play around with them. So left my brother to do tests today, only thing i do know from him via brief phone call is that on all 3 PC's the memory wont seem to crash the systems whilst in safe mode.
Ok just spoke to him again and using memtest he's getting 'memory error detected for word pair' after about 30 secs of the test and then it keeps finding errors every 5 to 10% of the test there after. He tested the old stuff and that passed the same tests no problem. Prime 95 freaks on stress test and comes up with 'Fatal Error, Rounding was 0.5 less than expected 0.4', yet with old stuff yet again no problems. He nor i know what that means but im guessing there's our problem then?

Edit: Thought i'd add that he's run the same tests using the G.Skill on all 3 PC's with same results. Boards in PC's are: K8N Neo 2 Plat, GigaByte K8NSC & some Abit8 board i think.
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Ok conclusive proof one stick is duff. Im home now, the one thing my brother had'nt done yet was to test them serperate from one another and turns out one stick creates lots of errors during tests whilst the other works fine. :D Problem solved so i'll be sending them back tommorow. ;)
Hmm, after speaking to the technical support of the comp i purchased this from; seem to be trying to feed me some long winded yarn as to suggest the memory not faulty, from what i posted here can anyone advise on what seems allmost 100% yes one sticks a duffer? :confused: It failed the memtest & prime 95 tests so surely that stick is a duffer if the other one passed no problems?!
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