G.Skill 2GB DDR HZ PC4000 (2x1GB) CAS3 Dual Channel Kit - Memory Speed Problems

14 Jan 2006
I have just purchased a set of the G.Skill 2GB DDR HZ PC4000 (2x1GB) CAS3 Dual Channel Kit DIMMS. I also have an ASUS A8N-E motherboard (nforce4) with an athlon 64 3500+.

I just do not seem to be able to get the memory to run above 200mhz.

I will completely admit that I am a total n00b when it comes to memory timings etc. But the thing I really wonder about is the following

The fsb of an Athlon64 = 200mhz, ddr400 ram runs at 400mhz.
For the above ram to run at 250 would that mean that I would need to increase the FSB of the system (essentially overlocking the processor from roughly 2.2ghz to 2.7-2.8 ghz) Would I also need to adjust the ram timings due to change in FSB, or am I approaching this problem the totally wrong way?

Many thanks

Just to pad that out a bit..

to overclock the ram you either need to overclock the fsb of the cpu (so in turn overclock the cpu) OR change the memory multiplyer in the bios (if you have this option in the bios) so the memory is ABOVE 1:1.. like 4:5 like I had with a ddr2 rig I had last year.

You have the same ram as me. I run my cpu at 260fsb and left the timings @ stock.. you shouldn't need to change the timings as long as you leave them default up to 260mhz plus. Seeing as your 3500 has a standard multiplyer of 11 that would mean your cpu was running at 260x11 so knocking on for 3ghz.. fairly unlikely unless you forgot to mention you're on phase cooling :p

However, if you drop your cpu multi to 10 and then up the fsb to 250/260 or however much it'll take that'll be how you'll get the most out of your ram. From what I've seen 3500s often go to 2.5ghz and sometimes a bit beyond..

You could even try a multi of 9 and really take the p*** out of your ram :p 9x280??

Actually thats not a bad idea...

:runs off to whack up the fsb:
What do you think a good/safe overclock would be with the following

ClockMult = 11,

coolermaster stacker with 2, 12cm drivebay fans at front, 1 at rear/ crossflow fan/ top fan with a zalman CNPS7700 on the CPU.

At the moment I have managed to raise the FSB to 215 = cpu speed of 2.37ghz (stock being 2.2)
if your cpu cant make it then lower the cpu`s Multi then up the HTT/Fsb ect to 250

try this : 10x250HTT your cpu will be clocked to 2.0ghz but your DDR and HTT will be 1/1 with the cpu.

i just got this DDR and im running it at 10x265HTT/Fsb, if you wish to have my settings im useing then let me know.
also you should know that this DDR loves Lower volatage in favour more than High voltage.

in fact just to experiment try these settings:

dont use the same Multi and HTT and Voltages just the DDR settings
as im not responsible if you blow something lol
It is not that it cant make it, I have just not pushed it above the speed as I am worried the cpu may burn due to the extra speed.
Currently the CPU is sitting at 34-38c idle.
In my experience you will not harm the processor just by trying to overclock it.

Putting high voltages through it over a long period of time will - just give it a go.

The only thing I have borked through memory clocking is my windows install, although not on the nf4 platform.

Just run through the overclocking sticky.
Got it running stable @250 (ddr500)
set clock multiplier to 10 and FSB to 250.

Therefore my AMD64 - 3500 is running at 2500mhz (from a stock of 2200)

Cheers for all the help.
callumharte said:
Got it running stable @250 (ddr500)
set clock multiplier to 10 and FSB to 250.

Therefore my AMD64 - 3500 is running at 2500mhz (from a stock of 2200)

Cheers for all the help.


you'll be incurable now... I keep trying to overclock the microwave.. the oven.. my sky+.. my wife.. the lot.
you know someone actually did overclock their microwave. They done something to the microwave emmitter which ended up cooking a turkey(setting it on fire) within just a few secs.

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