G.Skill 2GB DDR2 NR PC2-6400 - Anygood?

18 Oct 2002
Newcastle, England
I see this is on offer for £124 this week, seems like a bargain to me. I am after ram for my new E6600 conroe rig and want to get the cpu to about 3ghz.. is this the stuff to get? Its about all I can afford in my budget.
Damn those special offers!

I'm gutted bought this for the dearer price this morning before they went on special offer!!

So i paid 114.95 + VAT instead of 124 inc VAT.

Oh well :(
I'm getting the NR kit for my conroe rig, but poeple on these forums are saying only get them if you don't plan to overclock, and instead get the HZ kit. I'm sure it's only the looser timings on the NR kit but I didn't think that madxe a difference with Intel systems. There was review of Conroes with different DDR2 timings and the performance was so close between all the timings.


Diffference between 4-4-4-12 timings and 5-5-5-15 was about two fps.
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fenderbass86 said:
I'm getting the NR kit for my conroe rig, but poeple on these forums are saying only get them if you don't plan to overclock, and instead get the HZ kit. I'm sure it's only the looser timings on the NR kit but I didn't think that madxe a difference with Intel systems. There was review of Conroes with different DDR2 timings and the performance was so close between all the timings.


Diffference between 4-4-4-12 timings and 5-5-5-15 was about two fps.

The NR and HZ use different ICs, the HZ does clock a whole lot better.
That G-skill has proved to be very popular RAM, OcUK have already sold out of that specific one now! The extra money off must have helped. :)
fenderbass86 said:
That's what I was hoping until people started posting they;re not for overclocking. WHATEVER!

You can still overclock quite happily, stock for Conroe is PC5300, so any PC6400 is going to give you plenty of headroom.
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