G.Skill HZ or G.Skill ZX

30 Aug 2004
Im not buying because I already have the G.Skill HZ and am happy with it. Before I got it though I was undecided whether to get the hz 250mhz stuff or the zx 200mhz stuff but tighter timings.

Is there any way we can test the 2 different types of memory running default settings (and possibly overclocked) to see which comes up top?
Concorde Rules said:
Ummn, its Timings > HTT on AMD, and its really not gonna make a huuuuge diff (more than 5% to the performance of your PC).


so 2-3-2-5 @200mhz is better than 3-4-4-8 @ 250mhz?
geeza said:
so 2-3-2-5 @200mhz is better than 3-4-4-8 @ 250mhz?

About the same really, I'd go with the 2-3-2-5 @ 200 meself with the Gskill. It'll probably overclock a bit to say, 215mhz, and hold those timings too, each stick is different so its a bit of a lottery.
I have the GSkill 2Gb ZX kit myself and mine can do 3-4-3-8-1T @ 250Mhz with no problems, they really can overclock well if you get a good batch, although saying that mine is currently running at 2-3-2-5-1T @ 208Mhz and performs excellently.

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