G-SYNC tips ?

18 Jan 2003
Expat in the USA
I'm getting my new g-sync monitor delivered tomorrow. :D

Does anyone have any tips or recommendations to get the best out of it... in terms of like old games? What do you do? just make sure v-sync is turned off for every game ?

Really no idea on how to best set up the games for g-sync...

Do you have to use the nVidia driver and launch every game with adaptive sync set ?
Diasble vsync in every game, and enable gsync in the nvidia control panel. Make sure your resolution setting has the highest refresh rate your monitor supports. Make sure gsync is enabled in the monitor. Job done.
Is there any reason you should turn it off? Like older game compatibility? Certain types of video or anything? pulling at strings here
You might prefer ULMB for games where you can maintain high frame rates near the monitor's refresh limit (you can't turn ULMB on whilst G-Sync is enabled). Otherwise I leave it on for all games and can't think why I wouldn't. It allows me to turn many more options up than I otherwise would without worrying so much about choppy gameplay.
Diasble vsync in every game, and enable gsync in the nvidia control panel. Make sure your resolution setting has the highest refresh rate your monitor supports. Make sure gsync is enabled in the monitor. Job done.

I set VSYNC mode to 'GSYNC' in the nVidia Control Panel and then enable VSYNC ingame. On checking the latest drivers have mixed things around though. Now it is:

Monitor Technology - Gysnc
Vsync - On
Ingame - Vsync enabled
I set VSYNC mode to 'GSYNC' in the nVidia Control Panel and then enable VSYNC ingame. On checking the latest drivers have mixed things around though. Now it is:

Monitor Technology - Gysnc
Vsync - On
Ingame - Vsync enabled


This is how Nvidia intended for it to be used. They used to force it on but now give you the option because people didn't understand why it was still turned on. And by far gives the best results! Turning vsync off is not a great idea :)
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