G9X replacement needed

22 May 2011
ok guys - my logitech G9x is past it's best (middle wheel button is terrible and case is now a bit loose) but i'm struggling to find a worthy replacement - given I have a few snobby requirements :rolleyes:

I'm a finger gripper, have small girly hands, always play at low dpi because i can't keep my twitchy hand on target in the excitement of a firefight, and like a dpi sniper button.

The replacements I've tried out so far:

Corsair M65 - fits all the criteria, and I like the solid feel and weight. But i find the arch too high for a finger grip and the sniper button is just too far forward for my small smooth never seen a hard days work hands.

CM Spawn AND Xornet - just a tad too small and lightweight - meaning I twitch off target again - obviously no sniper button either, and the fixed dpi scale doesn't work well for me. Shame because it's recommended as a finger gripper on some reviews.

Steelseries Kana - no. just no.

Why isn't anyone making the perfect mouse JUST FOR ME :p
Nearly forgot..

Also had a RAT 7

which fit me like a glove but because of the PTE problem jumped all over the place when audio volume was high!!
Another G9x?

Personally find mine brilliant and would want to replace it with another if it was to break.
Never thought i would find a replacement for my G9x. Think i went through 3 of them, all ended up with faulty cable resulting in intermittent disconnecting issue, quite a common prob with them. Anyway, i tried loads of mice and didnt feel comfy with any of them. Then i got a Zowie FK and i love it, more than my G9x (when they worked). Im a fingertip gripper aswell and its perfect even though i have large hands and its a smaller mouse than most.
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