Gaggia Titanium

8 Nov 2005
Someone has offered me an old and slightly knackered Gaggia Titanium bean-to-cup machine and said if I can fix it, I can keep it.

Given I like a challenge, I've gleefully accepted and the damn thing is sitting in my kitchen looking like it's been through hell and back.

From what I can ascertain it's done around 11k cups over 8 years of abuse, has never been de-scaled and really needs some TLC - as as an example, switch it on and it rumbles for a bit, takes about 10 minutes to go through the self-test process and then doesn't do much.

Where would I start with finding out how to strip it down and clean it out so I can get it working again? And is it even worth the effort?
I can't offer any advice unfortunately (though have you tried the coffeegeek forums?) but I'm really interested to hear how you get on with this. Good luck :)
Thank you and thank you!

also give a go as there is a lot of helpful people on the site and some that make a living in repairing old and abused units
Thanks for that - will have a mooch about and see what's what.

worth maybe contacting a few engineers and see if they can help with manuals etc
Thanks for the links - will see if they can assist me with this somewhat foolhardy project

My Gaggia Classic strips down easy enough. If yours is scaled up to hell then just de-scaling it will probably make it work a lot better.
It's a little bit more complex than a Classic, but de-scaling is certainly on the cards.
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