Gallery Software + online printing... How?

Man of Honour
18 Oct 2002
As I've recently sold a few photos through posting smaller versions on some sites and having people email me askign for prints, I'd like to set up a gallery that allows people to order prints straight from there.

Is there any good way of hosting a series of gallerys on my server - and have an option to buy a print from Photobox or whoever...

...that works reliably?

I like jalbum. It's easy and really nice to use as well as producing good results - but the photobox integration blows goats.

I don't want to use Photobox's pro galleys as they seem to be swamped with gimps putting non ascii characters in front of their gallery names to get them to the top of the list...

There has to be a sensible solution somewhere...


I ended up doing it manually, which is fine for the volumes I do (one print to the person who badgered my to do it :( ). I'm using coppermine for my galleries and I just added a button to the theme template which links to a paypal shopping cart. I can then take the details from the paypal email, punch them into photobox manually, pay for the prints with the paypal funds from the email and Bob's your uncle. Photobox even blank out the prices if you send to somewhere other than your invoice address.

Given the manual aspect it may not be what you're looking for and the paypal integration into coppermine was a complete hack but it sort of works...
sorry to hikack this thread. very interested in doing this kind of thing myself.

when you say it sort of works rpstewart, does it work 100% of the time or not?

I find the photobox galleries good (I only link straight to my gallery itself), but it gives clients tiny thumbnails. Often good shots are lost due to size contraints.

Also does paypal accept all types of payment? inc creditcard, (cheque?!) etc?
morgan, it works certainly but it's manual and hence I have to get involved in every order which comes through so there's always scope for error there. The paypal integration is fine though, works every time.

As far as I'm aware paypal only takes credit & debit cards from non paypal members.
I found using the photobox pro gallery excellent (for my one and only sale :o ).

Perhaps you should keep hosting on your own site with a link to your photobox pro gallery if people want to buy anything. You can stop the pro gallery being featured amongst all the nonsense on Photobox if you prefer.
I do use the pro gallery at the mo. I've sold well over 150 shots from there. My only gripe is on the size of the images that the clients can view..its only about 480px max..far too small imo
ranarama said:
I found using the photobox pro gallery excellent (for my one and only sale :o ).

Perhaps you should keep hosting on your own site with a link to your photobox pro gallery if people want to buy anything. You can stop the pro gallery being featured amongst all the nonsense on Photobox if you prefer.

Interesting idea.

Have a buy link that points to the shot on photobox...


More work but it would work....

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