Gambisk's mid life refresh

22 May 2013
N. Ireland
Case: Generic midi tower Fractal design Arc Midi R2
CPU: Intel i3-3240 3.4Ghz
GPU: Generic 6450 HD 2Gb MSI GTX 650TI 1GB HIS 7950 3GB MSI GTX 650TI 1GB
Memory: Corsair XSM 3 2x4Gb
HDD: Seagate Barracuda 500Gb
PSU: Generic 500W Fractal Design Integra 650W

Story so far:
About this time last year I began specing a PC to allow me to work from home that would be replacing a rapidly dying laptop I had owned for 8 years. This is what I ended up with

I ran with this specification for a few weeks and was happy enough, I then changed jobs and was given a laptop for remote working so I decided to try and re-purpose my PC for some gaming. I quickly discovered the GPU was probably worse than the on board graphics of the i3 so it was the first thing to go and was replaced with a MSI GTX650 Ti 1Gb. I really liked this little card and it preforms better than I expected and can run some modern games at a decent frame rate albeit not at top quality.

Anyway it didn't fit in my case and my generic PSU didn't have any PCI-E connectors so I purchase a Fractal Design Arc Midi R2 and Integra 650W PSU. I've been running this setup now for about a year and I'm ready for some upgrades.

I toyed with a full Haswell rebuild but decided I would be better going for some incremental upgrades instead. So I promptly ordered a HIS 7950 on one of the AMD Friday offers and a Silverstone Argon cooler as well as some nice BitFenix cable extensions to tidy up the case. As well as a new keyboard and mouse to replace the generic OEM ones I had lying about.

New toys have arrived:


Backplate fitted:

Frontplate on and CPU cleaned up:

Shiney bottom:

All up and running:



So the more observant of you will notice that the graphics card is still the 650, this is because with the 7950 installed my PC wouldn't boot. I initially assumed that this was due to the power supply so I requested a RMA and went and bought a new one. That didn't work either so it looks like the 7950 was to blame so it has been RMA'd

On the upshot I've ordered a new BeQuiet Purepower PSU and EVGA GTX 760 to replace these items and they should here today :D

Future plans are as follows:
* upgrade the CPU to a unlocked i5
* New mobo that will support SLI
* 2nd monitor and GTX 760

The Silverstone cooler is great, I know I'm not asking much of it running a stock i3 but it keeps both cores very cool under 40C while running the intel burn test on "very high" Vs the stock cooler which was closer to 60C.
I really like the Sidewinder keyboard but find myself hitting caps lock a lot due to the slightly narrower keys than I'm used to. Nothing a little practice won't sort out, the action on the keys is very nice and the back lighting is great too.
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So my replacement card and power supply arrived yesterday :D


The new PSU, its slightly bigger than the fractal design PSU that it is replacing but there is still plenty of room in my case with it fitted. I really like the combination of cables that come bundled with it as I have been able to get away with just two cables which has left the back of my mobo tray much cleaner.

GTX 760 fitted, I forgot to take pics of it before fitting but overall I'm impressed with how small it is and the nice jump in FPS that I'm getting.
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Side panel back on

Overall very happy with how this has worked out. I have two small niggles however.
1. The PCI cables with the PSU are very short which means that I can run them behind the mobo tray at the moment. This isn't a big issue for me as I will be fitting some more Bitfenix extensions once they arrive.
2. My PC now takes 2-3 minutes to boot, it starts just fine but then hangs on the Gigabyte splash screen. I assume this is something to do with the old drivers from the GTX650 floating about. Any ideas on how to get rid of them, I've tried drive sweeper with no success.

Case: Fractal design Arc Midi R2 (10/10)
MB: Gigabyte GA-Z77-DS3H (7/10 no SLi)
CPU: Intel i3-3240 3.4Ghz (9/10 can't complain for the money)
GPU: EVGA GTX 760 SC (10/10 honeymoon!!!)
Memory: Corsair XSM 3 2x4Gb (8/10 no issues)
HDD: Seagate Barracuda 500Gb (9/10 fast but a tad noisy)
PSU: BeQuiet Purepower 630 (8/10 loses points for short PCI Cables)
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Some nice little upgrades there. Thought about investing in an SSD? Should give you a good speed boost.

Yeah it's something that I had thought about but for now I'm fairly happy with my 10s boot time with Win8 (Assuming I can find the rogue drivers). Maybe down the line once my HDD fills up I'll look into a SSD for the OS and get a 2nd Barracuda to RAID. But for now the hassle of reinstalling windows and downloading all my steam library outweighs the benefits to me.
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