Game minimise by themselves, open windows deselect (?!)

1 Oct 2003
Hi all,

A strange problem has begun happeing on my Windows 7 pc recently.

The window I have open (E.G Firefox) will sort of deselect (don't know the correct term), meaning I have to click anywhere on the page before I can begin using it.

I have also noticed that when playing games (Fallout NV) the game will minimise by itself.

This has only started happening since I moved house, I am now using a wireless network adaptor (tp-link jobbie), I have noticed the minimising games issue go away if I mess around with which plug my keyboard/mouse/wireless adapter is plugged in, but this doesn't stop the strange window issue.

I have ran a virus scan (nod 32) and closed a lot of programs running in the background to make sure there's nothing there.

Can anyone help as it's starting to become a pain!?
i had an issue with focus being stolen during gaming/on the desktop; i found that comodo firewall would periodically decide to scream at me without showing hte little bubble saying it had updates. i disabled automatic updates and it hasn't done it since.
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