Game recommendations for young girls.

6 Nov 2005
Hello, I'm currently in the process of building a PC for my nieces, 3 of them aged between 8 and 12. Its not going to be an amazing gaming machine as its largely cobbled together out of bits I got lying around, (Pentium g3250, RX460, 8gb ram)

Anyways I was thinking I'd put a few games on there, and am looking for recommendations for some cheap games they would enjoy.

I'd introduce them to the delights of Lucas Arts stuff from back in the day #GraphicAdventureGamesForTheWin
I had already planned to put the DOTT remake on there :)
Indiana Jones as well.
Also I don't know if you remember Sierra's 'Castle of Dr Brain' puzzle type stuff using maths & logic aimed at kids. I don't know how easy it would be to get that to run on a modern system though

Slight departure from the original theme, but I've just finished playing through thimbleweed park, and I enjoyed it as a great retro homage to the old lucas arts games.
To be honest with my niece whom is 8 i have found that she just likes what she likes. The gender difference seems to be a bit funny with games, especially in kids. I would get a couple of cheap games and see what they take to and what they don't. I mean she likes things ranging from Mario kart to skyrim and fable. I suppose it's partly because when she does see us on games there the ones she wants to try.

Yeah, fair enough :) Was really asking "what do the kids today like?" rather than super worried about the fact they are girls :p
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